With my new book, Shadow Work, slated to release next month, I am trying to get rid of some inventory of my first book, Things That Shine.
When I first published the book in 2019, I ordered 100 copies that I intended to sell at my book signing and at various local bookstores. While I successfully sold about half of my stock, the pandemic made promoting in bookstores much more complicated!
I am moving back to Canada in summer of 2022, and I'd like to get as many copies of Things That Shine out to readers before then! Of course, I can always bring my leftover inventory home with me, but I'm trying to minimize how many things I need to transport (cause it's damn expensive, and books are heavy as hell!).
So, if you'd like to read my first collection of poems, I would LOVE to hook you up with a copy.

Here's the deal:
*I can ship you a copy of my book, anywhere in the world
*Pay what you can (I get that the pandemic has made things pretty tough for so many), or just pay for shipping
*The book will be personalized/autographed just for you!
If you're interested, send me a message via FB/Instagram/email with your mailing address and I will send you the payment details!
Thank you so much for supporting my 'spring cleaning' and also my creative work!